• The Excel and SQL Server experts blog

  • SQL Spreads release 7.2.5

    Johannes Åkesson - Nov 10, 2023

    SQL Spreads 7.2.5 is now available for download. Fixed issue with the new Show intro button being shown in Data Editor mode. Download the latest version of SQL Spreads »

  • SQL Spreads release 7.2.4

    Johannes Åkesson - Nov 08, 2023

    SQL Spreads 7.2.4 is now available for download. Improved the Intro dialogs shown during the first start of the trial. Added a button in the SQL Spreads tab to show the Intro again. Minor bug fixes. Download the latest version of SQL Spreads »

  • Alternative to Microsoft Access: SQL Server + Excel

    Andy McDonald - Oct 12, 2023

    In this article we’re going to look at why you might consider an alternative to a Microsoft Access database for your organization, or specific project. As we’ll see, Access has some limitations that can become a problem eventually. A simple solution is to use a combination of SQL Server and Excel, with the SQL Spreads …

  • Update View in SQL Server using Excel – Step by Step Guide

    Johannes Åkesson - Sep 08, 2023

    In many businesses, it’s common to use Views to present database tables in a user-friendly way. With SQL Spreads, you can update a View in SQL Server from within Excel. SQL Spreads allows you to work with SQL Server Views, making it easy to display data side by side in Excel, similar to any other …

  • AI in Excel: the LABS.GENERATIVEAI function

    Andy McDonald - Aug 30, 2023

    Excel is a powerful tool for data analysis, but did you know that there is a new function that provides the power of generative AI in Excel. The experimental LABS.GENERATIVEAI function allows you to send prompts from within Excel to a generative AI model and then return the results from the model back to your …

  • SQL Spreads release 7.2.0

    Johannes Åkesson - Aug 28, 2023

    SQL Spreads 7.2.0 is now available for download. Added a new intro dialog with info about the trial. Added a check if Excel is running before installation, and auto-restart of Excel after the installation. Added a lock to prevent a user with a Data Editor license to install and use the SQL Spreads trial in …

  • How to copy a table in SQL Server

    Andy McDonald - Jul 18, 2023

    In this article we’re going to show you a quick and easy way to copy a table in SQL Server. The new Copy SQL Server Table feature in SQL Spreads means that you can copy a table from one database to another in just a few clicks from within Excel. Introduction Although it’s not something …

  • SQL Spreads release 7.1.2

    Johannes Åkesson - Jul 14, 2023

    SQL Spreads 7.1.2 is now available for download. In this new release we are introducing the new SQL Server tools which allows you to do more SQL Server operations from within Excel. The SQL Server tools contains these three features: The Table Creator – to create SQL Server tables based on data in Excel. The …

  • SQL Spreads: a front end for SQL Server

    Andy McDonald - Jul 05, 2023

    There are several options available if you are looking for a front end for SQL Server. Like most things, what is best for you will depend on a number of factors. In this article, we’re going to look at the things to consider when choosing a front end for SQL Server and how the SQL …

  • Master Data Services Excel Add-in: What to Know and Alternatives

    Andy McDonald - Jun 20, 2023

    In a previous article, we provided an overview of Master Data Management (MDM). In this article, we’re going to look at Microsoft’s platform for supporting the discipline of MDM: “Master Data Services”. Specifically, we’re going to look at how the Master Data Services Excel Add-in can be used to organize your MDM data models and …

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