Upgrading SQL Spreads to a newer version
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    Upgrading SQL Spreads to a newer version

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    Article summary

    If you have a valid support plan you can upgrade SQL Spreads to the latest release using the instructions below.

    Download the latest SQL Spreads installer

    In the delivery email you received after purchase (including your license keys), there is a link to download the SQL Spreads installer. Click that download link to download the latest version of the SQL Spreads installer.

    If you do not have access to the delivery email, please contact SQL Spreads support at support@sqlspreads.com to get the link to the installation file.

    Upgrading SQL Spreads

    To upgrade your SQL Spreads installation, run that installer on top of your current installation. SQL Spreads will detect that there is an existing installation and do an upgrade.

    Then restart Excel and you will have the latest version of SQL Spreads.

    Auto updates for latest SQL Spreads version

    With this new feature, SQL Spreads automatically checks for updates once per day when you start Excel.

    If a new version is available:

    • A notification will appear on the Help icon in the SQL Spreads tab:
      Auto updates notification in SQL Spreads ribbon

    • When you open the SQL Spreads Designer, you will see an update dialog:
      New SQL Spreads Version Dialog

    To update, click the Update button and download the latest release from the download page that

    Available for subscriptions only

    This feature is available for any users on a subscription based model. The feature will be automatically disabled for any users on the trial.

    Manually check for updates

    To manually check for updates, click the new Check for updates item in the Help menu:
    Manually check for updates in SQL Spreads

    Disable Check for Updates

    You can disable the check for update by setting the Disable_CheckForUpdate registry key to 1.

    These are the steps required to Disable the Update check:

    1. Open the Registry Editor on your computer.
    2. Navigate to the SQL Spreads registry path at Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Obnex Technologies AB\Obnex SQL Spreads
    3. Locate or create the Disable_CheckForUpdate key.
    4. Set the value of the key to 1.

    This will prevent SQL Spreads from automatically checking for updates.

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